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What's the Stealth Swinger?
It's a shaft that makes your Smasher Series driver as easy to hit as a 3 Wood.
On days when you really don't want to take your driver out, or on courses that are so tight you'll never want to chance the driver...
... Just put on your Stealth Woodie Shaft!
Your Smasher Series driver becomes 3 Wood length, with a much bigger head than your 3 Wood.
We'll have it made to your exact spec, and get it to feel the same as your main shaft, except you'll use this one on days when you want a slightly shorter shaft.
We've found that our customers who use this don't need to push themselves (hence minimizing injury), while still getting the most from their game!
With this Bundle Only shaft, you'll get Vylyn Shaft customized to swing easier, but with exactly the same feel on your Smasher Series Driver, complete with your size grip, and adapter.